Every year on November 30, St. Andrew’s Day is celebrated. He was considered to be the patron saint of Scotland. He was also the patron saint of Romania,Greece, Russia,Ukraine and Poland. According to Christianity, he was considered to be one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and was tentatively born between 5 AD and 10 AD.

One story goes that during 9th century, St Andrew appeared in the dream of King Angus ,who was then preparing for war against the English, promising victory and so on the battle day, an X symbol appeared in the sky which was the symbol of St Andrew. The king vowed if they won , St Andrew would be made the patron saint of Scotland. And thus, so happened and till today , the flag of Scotland is in the symbol of St Andrew.

St Andrew’s Day is not an official holiday in the country. People celebrate the day in various ways. There also exist St. Andrew’s societies where on this day, people meet and certain activities take place. People of Scotland devour on a special dish called “ceilidh’ or traditional food like ” Cullen skunk”  and also does Scottish country dancing.


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