WORLD KINDNESS DAY – 13 NOVEMBER Kindness Day is celebrated on 13 November every year. It is observed every year internationally with the purpose to assist all to understand love and compassion for others that binds us together. It promotes the notion of being kind to others, to oneself and to the country and world. This day was first introduced by World Kindness Movement in the year 1998.  The organization was formed at Tokyo conference in 1997 since Japan bought organisations of kindness of several nations together and emphasized the necessity of global kindness movement. In November 2000, it was launched in Singapore. It is observed in countries like US, Canada, Japan, Italy and various others.

On World Kindness Day, it is encouraged to be kind to others, whether that be in home, work, and school or in public. It is celebrated by doing good deeds. On this day, one should celebrate by saying ‘thank you’ with great generosity and kindness.

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